unbeWEAVEable New Craft!
Hello Readers!
Last week I spoke about some crafty gifts I made for loved ones; this week I’m going to gush about a crafty gift I received!
Weaving Terms:
The basics of weaving are very easy to pick up, and there are a lot of great resources online for all sorts of techniques. Check out The Weaving Loom for all you need to know as a novice weaver. The one I have is what is commonly called a “lap loom”. It’s size limits what you can create, but it is perfect for a casual weaver. A full-size loom would be used for full fabrics, tapestries , and rugs, and it takes up a significant amount of floor space. Not the easiest for a beginner to WRAP their head around.
I have already completed my first weaving! It is small, and fairly simple, but I am so thrilled with how it turned out. I had no initial plan when I began, but this is part of the advantage of weaving! My weaving uses 2 different weights of yarn and the finer yarn is also used for the warp.
Last week I spoke about some crafty gifts I made for loved ones; this week I’m going to gush about a crafty gift I received!
I was wondering around my local Michael’s craft store, as any crafty lady is bound to do, and there I saw this weaving set. I had recently been admiring weaving artists online and I had some interest in trying it out myself. So I snapped picture to show my Mum for a Christmas gift idea (other than gift cards). Truth be told, I forgot all about weaving until I opened this very set Christmas morning! I have quite the yarn stash to bust through, so why not diversify my yarn crafts? With weaving you can mix-and-match yarn weights to create unique textures that aren’t achievable with crochet or knit.
- WARP - the thread that is strung over the loom vertically, and holds the tension while you weave.
- WEFT - the thread that is woven between thee warp threads, creating the pattern and structure in the weave.
- LOOM - the structure that is used to give the weaving tension and support while it is in process.
I had a lot of fun mixing colours for this crafty experiment. It was so calming to work on, especially without a pattern to stress over. Of course, as with any yarn craft, weaving in the ends isn't AS fun, but also not too difficult to figure out. All in all, I would recommend weaving to any avid crafter looking to diversify as well as any beginner crafter looking for a place to start.
So, Mum and Dad, thank you for this fun crafty gift, and I will surely pay you back with a lovely weaving under your tree next year.
Have you tried weaving before? Tell me about your experiences in the comments below!
Until next time, I’m Kat and that’s that!
Until next time, I’m Kat and that’s that!
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